Eule – office for Easy-to-Read Language

We translate hard to read texts into Easy-to-Read or Plain Language.

What is Easy-to-Read Language?

Easy-to-Read Language is a language for persons with learning difficulties.

The three most important rules for Easy-to-Read Language are

  • short sentences with easy words
  • pictures beside the text that help with understanding 
  • the verification of a text by persons with learning difficulties

Easy-to-Read Language has its own rules. At Eule we follow the set of rules by the Netzwerk für Leichte Sprache.

Easy-to-Read Language is helpful for all, for example it can also be useful to persons in the process of learning German.

Sketch of a person reading a book, giving a thumbs up

What do we do?

We write texts in Plain Language and Easy-to-Read Language.

Easy-to-Read Language

We translate texts into Easy-to-Read Language, for example letters from authorities, information letters and magazines, information about events, websites. We also verify translated texts, including texts from you. We write new texts in Easy-to-Read Language. Furthermore, we offer training courses on how to write your own texts in Easy-to-Read Language. We make accessible PDFs of our translations, so that assistive technology is well able to read the pages out loud. 

Plain Language

We translate texts into Plain Language, which helps people who cannot read very well or don’t speak German that well. The German word for Plain Language is Einfache Sprache.

What is Plain Language?

  • A text is simple and easy to understand, loanwords are explained 
  • A text can contain pictures but it’s not necessary
  • it can be verified but it’s not obligatory

There are no set rules for Plain Language.

Who verifies the texts in Easy-to-Read Language?

We have a testing group made up of persons with learning disabilities who go through a text and discuss if anything needs re-phrasing and if the pictures are fitting. If the group understands everything the translation is finished and we have a text in Easy-to-Read Language.

Three smiling women at a table

Any questions?

For example:

  • How much does a translation into Easy-to-Read Language cost?
  • When is the next training course for Easy-to-Read Language?
  • How can I take part in the examination group?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.

Stephan Heym

Tel: 0 61 31 – 146 74-415
E-mail: s.heym(at)

Ein Mann hinter einem Mikrofon lächelt in die Kamera.

The pictures beside the texts on this website are from:

© Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung Bremen e.V.,
Illustrator Stefan Albers, Atelier Fleetinsel, 2013
© ZsL Mainz, Grafikerin Dagmar Möhring